The International Interior Design Association Foundation also provides a number of awards & funding opportunities for members across the international membership of IIDA. IIDA Ohio Kentucky Chapter is happy to offer the Enrich member enrichment fund to the members of our chapter. Scroll to learn more about this unique opportunity.

IIDA Ohio Kentucky is proud to offer Enrich, a member enrichment fund established in 2022, to support education and professional development opportunities for our members. Through financial support, members are able to deepen their knowledge, continue their lifelong learning, and advance their careers.
ENRICH Recipients
The ENRICH grant is awarded based on an extensive application review by an impartial jury of Ohio Kentucky chapter members. Funds are allocated based on the quality of applicants each year.
What can Enrich cover?
Go somewhere new to learn something exciting

Take a class to build a new ability.

Speaking engagements, tradeshows, etc.
IIDA Ohio Kentucky Chapter is proud to offer Enrich, a member enrichment fund, that is dedicated to the advancement of the interior design industry by supporting the professional development and education of IIDA OHKY Chapter Members. The purpose of the fund is to support life long learning and the enrichment of our Chapter by providing financial support through available grants.
Applications are open once a year.
Committee Review: September
Grants Awarded: Mid-October
Selection Criteria:
The Education Fund Committee is responsible for recommending award recipients to the Chapter Board for final approval. The review process is a blind review.
Review criteria are ultimately up to the discretion of the Education Fund Committee. However, the grant recipients must meet the following:
• The activity/request must align with the OHKY Chapter mission and goals
• The activity/request must move our profession forward
• Information learned/obtained must be able to be shared for benefit of all OHKY Chapter members
• The event/request must contain an educational component
Applicants must be a current IIDA Ohio Kentucky professional or associate member in good standing
Applicants cannot also receive funding for the activity from their employer or any other funding source. If funding from another source does not cover the activity 100%, the applicant may request funding for the remaining amount only.
Applicants cannot have received funding from the ENRICH fund within the past three years.
Current Chapter Board Members or City Center Directors are not eligible during active term
Examples of eligible activities include:
Activities must be related to education, knowledge or research. Opportunities can include but are not limited to the following:
• Professional Conferences and Trade Shows, Leadership training/classes, Professional Development classes, Art/Design classes, Software Training, Educational Trainings, Business Development, College level Classes, Travel with a clear emphasis on learning
• The opportunity must be a future event and not a past class taken seeking reimbursement.
• The opportunity needs to occur between November and following December.The following activities/requests are not eligible for funding:
• Test reimbursement; IIDA National offers reimbursement support for NCIDQ, LEED and WELL AP
• Travel for NeoCon
Grant recipients shall be required to complete a Chapter “Give Back” within 90 days following experience. This component is to benefit the whole Chapter from the awarded individual's experience. The goal for the give back is for the awardee to pass along knowledge gained/learned from their experience to benefit the greater membership. This “give back” can come to fruition through one of the following but in not limited to:
• A blog post, a presentation, virtual webinar, a panel discussion, a teaching seminar, social media take over, etc.
Receiving Funding:
Recipient must submit a W-9 once awarded funding.
Funding shall be provided in full after completion of grant experience. Opportunity for portion payment is available prior to experience upon request.
Recipient must submit receipts for their funded expenses in order to receive the payment.