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IIDA ClevAk / AIA Golf Outing 2021 Re-cap!

Briarwood Golf Course hosted our 25th Annual IIDA/AIA Golf Outing on August 6th. The day could not have been any more perfect. 75 degree and sunny with our “RED, White & Blue” Americana colors flying throughout the course.

Thanks to all of our golfers, volunteers, hole sponsors, raffle prize donations, oasis sponsors and AIA/IIDA Chapter sponsors for attending and helping make this year’s outing a tremendous success. We truly could not have pulled off such a fun event without all your help. “Judge Smails” & “Mr Gopher” (Caddysack) would have loved the event!!

Our betting hole this year benefitted Gina Dejesus’s organization, Cleveland Family Center for Missing Children & Adults. We collected $550.00. The generosity of our group is always amazing. Thank you.

Thanks again for everyone that helped with the outing. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year at the 26th Annual.

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