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RECAP: AI and ID Roundtable


Last week our IIDA Cleveland Akron City Center hosted our AI and ID Roundtable event, focusing on how artificial intelligence currently affects the architecture and design industry and how it will continue to have a presence in both our personal and professional lives.

How to use AI and available sites, Intelligence, Functionality, Search Characteristics, Protection of Intellectual Property, Intuit Nature of AI, were just some of the topics discussed Tuesday evening at the IIDA “AI for Interior Design” RoundTable event, hosted by Vocon.

We all walked away with a better understanding of the multifaceted layers of what we refer to as AI and that AI extends far beyond the “robot human relationship” misconception.

Thanks go out to our panel for taking time out of their schedules to make this AI event so successful…

Destiny Spears – Sr Digital Manager of Shaw Contract

Susan Smilek – Director of Product Development at Patcraft

John Humphries – Professor of Interior Design at Kent State

Ed Kundla – Director of Corporate Design at Key Bank

Specials thanks for Brandon Dorsey & Vocon for hosting and moderating the program.

Thank you for our attendees that braved this winter's first snowstorm to attend the program.

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