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Get Connected 2021 Recap!

We were extremely pleased to be able to hold each of our city centers' award winning Get Connected events in person this year.

Each of these events was held earlier this summer and was time where new members and existing members could come together to learn about what IIDA is planning for the coming year and how they can get more involved. Each city center hosted the event with their own personal flair and for many of our city centers, it was the first time that people were coming together in person for IIDA programming.

Cincinnati Dayton celebrated getting connected at a new craft beer shop, Standard Beer, with a great turnout and had people express interest in joining the City Center Committee.

Columbus hosted their event at a rooftop location and offered headshots while also focusing on recruiting volunteers for their city center committee.

Toledo had an evening filled with fellowship at the new Urban Pine Winery. They saw a great deal of engagement by members, potential new members and students.

Louisville Lexington had their event hosted by the unique KFI Studios which is a local furniture manufacturer. They also highlighted volunteers that have given their service to IIDA.

The Cleveland Akron Event had members and potential new members come together at e4b, a local furniture dealership where people had the opportunity to learn about what IIDA does and participate in an advocacy exercise where they got to record what IIDA is for them. Each city center gifted a free membership and got the word out about IIDA and why people should join our community.

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