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RECAP: ClevAk Spring Zerolandfill!

Last weekend we hosted our Zerolandfill community distribution days! Once again, our Zerolandfill program was a huge success!

We SOLD OUT of donation bins, and over the course of the month local A&D firms filled their bins with outdated and unused samples. We had quite the haul of materials, and many happy customers throughout the weekend!

A huge thank you to D&R Commercial Flooring and JTC Installations for generously donating their time and manpower to help us in transporting bins!

Thank you to our enthusiastic weekend volunteers, all the teachers/crafters who came for samples, and our generous host: the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District. This initiative wouldn't be possible without all of you!

We look forward to our next Zerolandfill later this year!

-Betsy, Cleveland Akron Outreach Coordinator

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